21 July, 2010

Soooo.... What I thought was just a stupid flu...

Turned out to be pneumonia. :(

Though... I prefer to think of it as gnome-monia.


WOOOooo HoOooooo!!!!

Pneumonia sounds like something old ladies get in the hospital when they "just went in for a hip replacement". But I've already had the partial hip-replacement, so maybe I was due for another old lady problem. Oh, and my spleen up and quit on me, so there's that too.

Oh, life... you little bitch.

03 July, 2010

Meet my new friend...

You may recall my mentioning the search for a second bike recently. I was lucky (like, BEYOND lucky) to find this absolutely PERFECT 1972 Peugeot road bike with all of the original parts, including the owner's manual (en français, but of course). Well, if any of you know me- you know that I've got that whole vintage bike thing covered with a sweet little '54 Raleigh... so I wanted to really go nuts and have fun with this one. Fast forward one month, one big UPS package, a good sum of money, three hours in the bike kitchen, various cuts and scrapes, and one bent back thumbnail later... Sweet French-hybrid fixie glory is mine. :)

Yes, I have a major crush on her.

I even did my very first Farmer's Market bike night on Thursday. It was... BEYOND. Nothing could have prepared me for the fun, the chaos, the honest to God awesome that was bike night. Literally hundreds of people, hundreds of bikes... It's kind of fascinating how quickly a pack-mentality develops in a situation like that. Rules are thrown out the window because it's very "Us vs. Them"' and well... There are a lot more of us.

There were many choice moments throughout the night, but here are a few of the highlights for you...

Kids wearing nothing but American flags tied around their necks; and narrowly avoiding some serious caught-in-chain, choking folly.

Block-long wheelies. Srsly, I'm not kidding.

Cruiser covered in red faux fur, with girl facing backwards, STRADDLING the guy pedaling. Bonus, this bike was blasting music too. There are no words...

Screaming "Biiiiiiiiiiike NiiiiiiiiiiiiiGHT!!!!" into car windows- because, well let's face it, it was... and furthermore those damn cars shoulda known better.

Favorite quote of the night (second place):
Random biker: "It smells like cigarettes, burnt rubber and crotch!"
Random Barbie-lookalike: "FUCK YEAH, IT DOES!"

Favorite quote of the night (first place):
Random bike guy 2: "Hey, how you feeling?"
Me: "I'm good."
Random: "Just checking 'cos your bike is SICK!"

Tratando de ser optimista...

Lo que yo hago es recordar a la gente algo que ya sabe. Si te fijas, lo que dejamos de lado son las cosas que conocemos. Es sorprendente cómo, en nuestras vidas, dejamos para el final todo lo que es bueno. ¿A quién se le ocurriría esa idea?
La vida no es así. La vida es un hermoso viaje que tiene lugar cada día. Te está llamando. Quiere que participes en ella, no que te alejes; quiere que aceptes decididamente cada uno de los regalos que se ponen ante ti cada momento. Sin juicios sobre lo bueno y lo malo, lo correcto y lo incorrecto.
En los momentos de conflicto olvidamos lo más importante. ¿Estoy dejando para el final la posibilidad de estar en paz? Si es así, eso requiere un cambio de planes. Necesito experimentar esa paz cada día que estoy vivo
Sabes que la paz es hermosa, pero ahora ha llegado el momento de sentirla realmente en tu vida. Se trata de nosotros, de los seres humanos sobre la faz de la Tierra. Necesitamos paz.
Ahí está el corazón que nos inspira, que nos impulsa para alcanzar esa paz, esa claridad, esa comprensión en nuestra vida. Desde que éramos niños el corazón nos ha estado diciendo que seamos felices, que nos sintamos plenos, satisfechos, y eso es lo importante. Pero de algún modo, usando nuestra teoría, hemos dicho: “La paz, la felicidad… son cosas importantes. Las voy a dejar para el final”.
Por favor, no hagas eso. Comienza a dar en tu vida los sencillos pasos de la comprensión. Éste es tu momento para empezar a comprender, para empezar a darte cuenta de que todo lo que has querido siempre, ya lo tienes. Tienes la libertad dentro de ti.
Así pues, ¿qué puedo ofrecerte yo si todo lo que necesitas ya lo tienes dentro de ti? Un espejo. ¿Qué es lo que le podría dar a alguien que es verdaderamente bello? Un espejo para que pueda ver lo que yo veo cada día.

Prem Rawat-Maharaji

En tu interior...

Aubrey Beardsley, "The Climax", 1893

02 July, 2010

"Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them - that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like." ~ Lao-Tzu
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